Our resources are written specifically for human services and address today’s most pressing challenges for directors, caseworkers, and everyone in between.

Northwoods, AWS, and GovLoop Market Research Report

Gov Loop Market Report - 150x175 Business Brief

Investing in Essential Technology and Remote Connection for Child Welfare

Pandemics, public health emergencies, and massive weather events have impacted all fields of public service work. But child welfare services is among the areas experiencing the most noticeable effects. 

This became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused many child welfare agencies to quickly pivot to support telework, allowing people to connect and share important information in new ways. But this can't happen without the right technology in place. Agencies must no longer delay in investing in cloud-enabled technology so caseworkers can access and update case files from anywhere. 

In this market trends report, GovLoop, Northwoods, and AWS explore the challenges child welfare services face today and how technology could transform the field.