Our resources are written specifically for human services and address today’s most pressing challenges for directors, caseworkers, and everyone in between.

Northwoods, AWS, and GovLoop Market Research Report

Gov Loop Market Report - August 2021 Business Brief

Lessons From the Pandemic: Transforming State and Local Eligibility Programs

For the most part, clients, caseworkers and agency leaders made the best of existing systems, juggling caseloads and managing critical assistance programs. The pandemic changed that.

Amid office closures and the transition of workers to remote worksites, government agencies could not maintain traditional workflows based
on paper trails and in-person meetings. That's why more economic assistance agencies are transitioning from paper processes to a cloud-based document management system that delivers assistance more efficiently and accurately. 

In this market trends report, GovLoop, Northwoods, and AWS discuss the
challenges of facilitating benefits and the IT tools government agencies can use to better serve clients.